Northern Comfort: The Nordic Art of Creative Living paneutuu skandinaavisen elämäntyylin salaisuuksiin ja pohtii sitä, miksi pohjoismainen muotoilu, arkkitehtuuri ja elämänasenne keräävät huomiota ja kiinnostusta ympäri maailman. Kirja esittelee skandinaavista elämää erityisesti sisustuksen muodossa, mutta se johdattaa myös luonnon, ruoanlaiton ja taiteen pariin. Gestaltenin julkaisemaa kirjaa hallitsevat suurikokoiset ja visuaalisesti lumoavat kuvat.
Northern Comfort takes a close look at some of the Nordic region’s most inspiring and insightful ideas and individuals. The Nordic Art of Life has become a role model for meaningful creative life around the globe. Scandinavian design and creativity are synonymous with cozy homes and architecture that combine style with tradition, indoors with outdoors, natural materials with rich colors, and playfulness with clarity. The Nordic countries are famous for their designers and entrepreneurs, who combine diligent preparation with bold execution in all fields of contemporary creativity, like design, architecture, fashion, and food. Northern Comfort – The Nordic Art of Creative Living brings together the people, endeavors, and ideas that best embody this way of life, focusing on interior design while also venturing into the outdoors, the kitchen, and the atelier. It presents a kaleidoscope of northern talent that is both admirable and inspiring. Get comfortable and follow us on this journey up north.