Thames & Hudson World of Art - Movements in Art since 1945
Thames & Hudson World of Art - Movements in Art since 1945

World of Art - Movements in Art since 1945

Thames & Hudson

25,00 €

Thames & Hudson
World of Art - Movements in Art since 1945
25,00 €

  • Ilmastokompensoidut toimitukset
  • Erinomaiset arvostelut asiakkailtamme
  • 30 päivän palautusoikeus

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Thames & Hudsonin kustantama Movements in Art since 1945 tarjoaa perusteellisen katsauksen taiteeseen ja sen kulloinkin vallalla olleisiin tyylisuuntiin aina sotienjälkeisestä ajasta nykypäivään. Kirjan on kirjoittanut runoilija, kirjailija ja taidekriitikko Edward Lucie-Smith, ja se kuuluu Thames & Hudsonin World of Art -sarjaan, jonka jokainen osa keskittyy tiettyyn taidemuotoon, taiteilijaan tai tyylisuuntaan.

This standard introduction to visual art since 1945 has been revised, updated and redesigned for the first time since 2001. Movements, trends and individual artists from abstract expressionism to the present day are summarized, with detailed coverage of major developments such as pop art, conceptual and performance work, minimal art, neo-expressionist and figurative painting, the YBAs and the globalized art scene of the twenty-first century. A new chapter on art since 2000 includes discussion of work by Banksy and Ai Weiwei, as well as recent trends in art from Russia and Eastern Europe. Writing with exceptional clarity and a strong sense of narrative, Edward Lucie-Smith demystifies the work of dozens of artists, revealing how the art world has interacted with social, political and environmental concerns. Nearly 300 images of key artworks range from the paintings of Jackson Pollock via graffiti from 1980s New York and land art of the 1970s to contemporary painting from China and video from Japan. The book is as global in its reach as art has become in the 21st century.

Edward Lucie-Smith
4. painos
21 x 15 cm
0,7 kg
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