Thames & Hudson World of Art - Miró
Thames & Hudson World of Art - Miró
Thames & Hudson World of Art - Miró
Thames & Hudson World of Art - Miró
Thames & Hudson World of Art - Miró
Thames & Hudson World of Art - Miró

World of Art - Miró

Thames & Hudson

22,00 €

Thames & Hudson
World of Art - Miró
22,00 €

  • Ilmastokompensoidut toimitukset
  • Erinomaiset arvostelut asiakkailtamme
  • 30 päivän palautusoikeus

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Thames & Hudsonin kustantama Miró on perusteellinen kokonaiskatsaus 1900-luvun surrealismin mestarin Joan Mirón elämään, työhön ja ajatuksiin. Kirjan on kirjoittanut historioitsija Roland Penrose, joka oli taiteilijan läheinen ystävä lähes viiden vuosikymmenen ajan. Tämä tarkistettu ja kauttaaltaan värikuvitettu painos kuuluu Thames & Hudsonin World of Art -sarjaan, jonka jokainen osa keskittyy tiettyyn taidemuotoon, taiteilijaan tai tyylisuuntaan.

Among the great 20th-century masters, the surrealist painter Joan Miró stands out for the atmosphere of wit and spontaneity that pervades his work. Miró’s art went through many phases, and its major features – his signs and symbols, his series of anguished peintures sauvages in the 1930s, his lyrical, poetic gouaches, his monumental sculptures and ceramics, his unprecedented use of poetic titles, and his attachment to nature and to the night – are discussed here by Roland Penrose, a friend of the artist for almost five decades. A brief epilogue by Eduardo de Benito, London correspondent of the Spanish art periodical Lápiz, illustrates the developments of Miró’s last years. This new revised edition, now illustrated in colour throughout, includes a foreword by Antony Penrose, outlining the relationship between his father and the artist, as well as updates to the Bibliography.

Roland Penrose
Uusittu painos
21 x 15 cm
0,4 kg
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