Thames & Hudson World of Art - Costume and Fashion
Thames & Hudson World of Art - Costume and Fashion
Thames & Hudson World of Art - Costume and Fashion
Thames & Hudson World of Art - Costume and Fashion
Thames & Hudson World of Art - Costume and Fashion
Thames & Hudson World of Art - Costume and Fashion

World of Art - Costume and Fashion

Thames & Hudson

25,00 €

Thames & Hudson
World of Art - Costume and Fashion
25,00 €

  • Ilmastokompensoidut toimitukset
  • Erinomaiset arvostelut asiakkailtamme
  • 30 päivän palautusoikeus

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Thames & Hudsonin kustantama Costume and Fashion tarjoaa perusteellisen katsauksen muodin ja vaatetuksen historiaan aina kivikauden kutojista nykypäivän muotiteollisuuteen. Kirjan ovat kirjoittaneet muotihistorioitsija James Laver, professori Amy de la Haye ja muotitoimittaja Andrew Tucker. Teos kuuluu Thames & Hudsonin World of Art -sarjaan, jonka jokainen osa keskittyy tiettyyn taidemuotoon, taiteilijaan tai tyylisuuntaan.

From the momentus invention of the needle some 40,000 years ago to the development of blue denim, from Neolithic weavers to the biggest names in the fashion industry today – this classic guide covers the landmarks of costume history, the forms and materials used through the ages, the underlying motives of fashion and the ways in which clothes have been used to protect, to express identity, and to attract or to influence others. This sixth edition features a new foreword and concluding chapter by Amy de la Haye. The book is brought right up to date with a discussion about the major political shifts within the fashion industry, highlighting how it has responded to issues surrounding racism and sexism; LGBTQI rights; mental health awareness; body and age diversity and global sustainability.

James Laver, Amy de la Haye, Andrew Tucker
6. painos
21 x 15 cm
0,68 kg
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