Gestalten Urban Farmers: The Now (and How) of Growing Food in the City
Gestalten Urban Farmers: The Now (and How) of Growing Food in the City
Gestalten Urban Farmers: The Now (and How) of Growing Food in the City
Gestalten Urban Farmers: The Now (and How) of Growing Food in the City
Gestalten Urban Farmers: The Now (and How) of Growing Food in the City
Gestalten Urban Farmers: The Now (and How) of Growing Food in the City
Gestalten Urban Farmers: The Now (and How) of Growing Food in the City
Gestalten Urban Farmers: The Now (and How) of Growing Food in the City
Gestalten Urban Farmers: The Now (and How) of Growing Food in the City
Gestalten Urban Farmers: The Now (and How) of Growing Food in the City
Gestalten Urban Farmers: The Now (and How) of Growing Food in the City
Gestalten Urban Farmers: The Now (and How) of Growing Food in the City
Gestalten Urban Farmers: The Now (and How) of Growing Food in the City
Gestalten Urban Farmers: The Now (and How) of Growing Food in the City
Gestalten Urban Farmers: The Now (and How) of Growing Food in the City

Urban Farmers: The Now (and How) of Growing Food in the City


43,00 €

Urban Farmers: The Now (and How) of Growing Food in the City
43,00 €

  • Ilmastokompensoidut toimitukset
  • Erinomaiset arvostelut asiakkailtamme
  • 30 päivän palautusoikeus

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Gestaltenin julkaisema Urban Farmers: The Now (and How) of Growing Food in the City esittelee koko kirjon kiinnostavia tapoja ruoan kasvattamiseen kaupunkiympäristössä. Kirjan runsaat valokuvat ja tekstit tarjoilevat sekä esteettistä nautintoa että ideoita oman kaupunkipuutarhan perustamiseen. Kirja on toimitettu yhdessä Valery Rizzon kanssa, joka on urbaaniin elämään, ruokakulttuuriin ja maanviljelyyn erikoistunut amerikkalainen valokuvaaja.

We are what we eat, but do you know what you’re eating? As our world becomes increasingly defined by urban structures, exploring inner-city agriculture has become an important tool in enriching quality of life for many. From underground mushroom farms to rooftop beekeeping, Urban Farmers explores the fascinating and diverse world of planting, growing, and harvesting.

Equipped with the right know-how and the proper tools for growth, we are well on our way to ensuring the spaces we inhabit evolve in a healthy direction and a passion for nature is nourished. A must-have manual for city-dwellers who dream of a greener life, Urban Farmers offers an opportunity to learn best practices from experts and encourages you to get your hands dirty, be it in your balcony or beyond.

Gestalten & Valery Rizzo
18 x 23,5 cm

5 1


Perustuu 1 arvosteluun

  • A

    Karlsruhe, Germany


    inspirierend, wenn man in der Stadt lebt

    80 päivää sitten

Tällä tuotteella ei vielä ole vastuullisuusarvosanaa.
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