Gestalten Evergreen Architecture: Overgrown Buildings and Greener Living
Gestalten Evergreen Architecture: Overgrown Buildings and Greener Living
Gestalten Evergreen Architecture: Overgrown Buildings and Greener Living
Gestalten Evergreen Architecture: Overgrown Buildings and Greener Living
Gestalten Evergreen Architecture: Overgrown Buildings and Greener Living
Gestalten Evergreen Architecture: Overgrown Buildings and Greener Living
Gestalten Evergreen Architecture: Overgrown Buildings and Greener Living
Gestalten Evergreen Architecture: Overgrown Buildings and Greener Living
Gestalten Evergreen Architecture: Overgrown Buildings and Greener Living
Gestalten Evergreen Architecture: Overgrown Buildings and Greener Living
Gestalten Evergreen Architecture: Overgrown Buildings and Greener Living
Gestalten Evergreen Architecture: Overgrown Buildings and Greener Living
Gestalten Evergreen Architecture: Overgrown Buildings and Greener Living
Gestalten Evergreen Architecture: Overgrown Buildings and Greener Living
Gestalten Evergreen Architecture: Overgrown Buildings and Greener Living

Evergreen Architecture: Overgrown Buildings and Greener Living


54,00 €

Evergreen Architecture: Overgrown Buildings and Greener Living
54,00 €

  • Ilmastokompensoidut toimitukset
  • Erinomaiset arvostelut asiakkailtamme
  • 30 päivän palautusoikeus

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Gestaltenin julkaisema Evergreen Architecture: Overgrown Buildings and Greener Living esittelee valikoiman rakennuksia, joiden jokaisen ytimessä on – tavalla tai toisella – luonto sekä kasvillisuus. Kirjan suurikokoiset, näyttävät valikoimat tarjoilevat uusia ideoita ja inspiraatiota vihreämpään elämään, ja teokseen on koottu myös kiinnostavaa tietoa ja kysymyksiä arkkitehtonisesta perspektiivistä.

As more of the earth’s surface is swallowed up by the built environment, architects are increasingly advised to integrate urban flora and fauna into their designs. Whether developing green roofs, living walls, abundant indoor courtyards, or balconies that connect interior and exterior spaces, the urge to intertwine nature and architecture has never been more apparent.

Embracing this ubiquitous trend, Evergreen Architecture surveys a broad spectrum of residential, institutional, urban, and rural spaces. But as change occurs and solutions to the climate crisis are being integrated on the ground, many new questions are posed. How do residents keep moss-covered walls alive? How can a skyscraper uphold the weight of hundreds of trees? Evergreen Architecture investigates this movement from the perspective of the architects leading the charge whilst offering diagrams and plans to help the reader understand how each building came together and how it intends to survive.

24 × 30 x 3 cm
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