Gestalten Come together: Architecture of Multigenerational Living
Gestalten Come together: Architecture of Multigenerational Living
Gestalten Come together: Architecture of Multigenerational Living
Gestalten Come together: Architecture of Multigenerational Living
Gestalten Come together: Architecture of Multigenerational Living
Gestalten Come together: Architecture of Multigenerational Living
Gestalten Come together: Architecture of Multigenerational Living
Gestalten Come together: Architecture of Multigenerational Living
Gestalten Come together: Architecture of Multigenerational Living
Gestalten Come together: Architecture of Multigenerational Living
Gestalten Come together: Architecture of Multigenerational Living
Gestalten Come together: Architecture of Multigenerational Living
Gestalten Come together: Architecture of Multigenerational Living
Gestalten Come together: Architecture of Multigenerational Living
Gestalten Come together: Architecture of Multigenerational Living

Come together: Architecture of Multigenerational Living


44,00 €

Come together: Architecture of Multigenerational Living
44,00 €

  • Ilmastokompensoidut toimitukset
  • Erinomaiset arvostelut asiakkailtamme
  • 30 päivän palautusoikeus

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Gestaltenin julkaisema Come Together: Architecture of Multigenerational Living luo katsauksen ikivanhaan mutta sittemmin harvinaistuneeseen yhteisasumisen muotoon, jossa useampi sukupolvi asuu saman katon alla. Teos kutsuu vierailulle useamman sukupolven yhteiskoteihin ja esittelee modernin arkkitehtuurin tarjoamia mahdollisuuksia sopuisaan, kaikkia hyödyttävään monisukupolviseen asumiseen. Englanninkielisen kirjan on toimittanut monisukupolviseen asumiseen erikoistunut designtoimittaja Joann Plockova, joka kirjoittaa muun muassa New York Times-, Monocle- ja Azure-lehdille.

Three, four, or sometimes more generations of the same family often opt to live together under one roof. The 20th-century emphasis on a single-family home for suburbanites or a swanky bachelor pad is falling short of modern needs, instead, we are seeing more tiers of the family unit preferring to live together.

Come Together explores the why, what, where, and perhaps most importantly, the how, of homes that succeed to be liveable for multiple generations. With insight from inhabitants cohabiting in multi-generational homes, this book explores subjects such as the opportunity to care for one another, how to save on costs, and why this lifestyle can forge closer relationships. Featuring architecturally stunning designs from around the globe and voices of leading architects championing the benefits of this family-style living, Come Together points to the changing face of the family home.

Gestalten & Joann Plockova
26 x 21 cm
1,4 kg
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