Gestalten Be Well: New Spa and Bath Culture and the Art of Being Well
Gestalten Be Well: New Spa and Bath Culture and the Art of Being Well
Gestalten Be Well: New Spa and Bath Culture and the Art of Being Well
Gestalten Be Well: New Spa and Bath Culture and the Art of Being Well
Gestalten Be Well: New Spa and Bath Culture and the Art of Being Well
Gestalten Be Well: New Spa and Bath Culture and the Art of Being Well
Gestalten Be Well: New Spa and Bath Culture and the Art of Being Well
Gestalten Be Well: New Spa and Bath Culture and the Art of Being Well
Gestalten Be Well: New Spa and Bath Culture and the Art of Being Well
Gestalten Be Well: New Spa and Bath Culture and the Art of Being Well

Be Well: New Spa and Bath Culture and the Art of Being Well


39,90 €

Be Well: New Spa and Bath Culture and the Art of Being Well
39,90 €

  • Ilmastokompensoidut toimitukset
  • Erinomaiset arvostelut asiakkailtamme
  • 30 päivän palautusoikeus

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Be Well: New Spa and Bath Culture and the Art of Being Well on Gestaltenin julkaisema katsaus moderniin kylpylä- ja hyvinvointikulttuuriin ja sen historiallisiin taustoihin, joihin kuuluvat niin suomalaiset saunat, turkkilaiset hamamit kuin japanilaiset onsen-kylvyt. Vahvasti visuaalinen kirja johdattaa inspiroivalle ja levolliselle matkalle kehon ja mielen hellimisen moninaisiin tapoihin. Teoksen kieli on englanti.

Today, a new interest in self-care is redefining how we accomplish wellness, and there have never been more options. In our increasingly switched-on lives, a growing industry of highly choreographed experiences is geared to help us switch off. Be Well is a journey around the world’s most extraordinary spaces for achieving this, looking at the innovative practices they offer and how to carry them into everyday life.

21 x 26 x 2,8 cm
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